Pattern Number: TEX1300
Abstraction by honoring the perfection of the imperfect, the Japanese art of Kintsugi repairs broken pottery with gold. By doing so, it uncovers something more unique and resilient, creating its own sense of beauty. This practice promotes living simply, giving urban public spaces an uncommon grandeur and a moving sense of spiritual calm. Abstractions distinctive mix of a soft metallic glow against classic textural colors provides a balanced portrait of casual contemporary elegance.
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Product Detailss
Collection: | Textile Effect |
Backing: | 20 oz Osnaburg |
Standard Dimensions: | 54 in. x 3 ft. = 13.5 sq. ft. |
Metric Dimensions: | 137.16 cm x .91 m = 1.25 m sq. |
Match Type: | Straight non-reversible |
Pattern Repeat: | 12.625 in. |